
Our Schoolhouse is located at Camp Tilikum in Newberg, OR

We have full access to the facilities here with the old Valley View schoolhouse as our designated studio space.  

Our Promises

We promise, through Socratic guiding and experiential learning, you and your child will:

2020... Our Education Journey Begins

We took to the streets of the USA to educate our children during the pandemic and quickly realized how much of our children's potential was lying dormant in a traditional classroom.

Founders - Matt & Brittani Johnson

Our Story

After, experimenting with many styles of homeschool we learned that our children needed more to reach their potential.

It seemed like an impossible list.





challenge, adventure, independence, reading, entrepreneurship, responsibility, critical thinking, charisma

Then we discovered Acton Academy.
But there wasn't one in Oregon. So we got crazy...

Plans for the future


Launch the first Acton studio at Camp Tilikum grades 2-6th guided by founders with ~20 students.


Launch a Spark Montessori Studio (K-2nd) to complement our Explorers Studio (3rd-6th)


Add second elementary studio and new studio to support grades 9-12.  


Seek a dedicated campus for 4-5 studios and 150 students.