Explorers Studio (Ages 7-12)

Find a calling,
Change the world

The Explorer’s Studio is more like a close-knit neighborhood than a school.

Core skills, group games, collaborative quests, and Socratic debates provide a foundation for learning and tribe building.

Examples, recipes, rubrics, and rewards— and especially the freedom to learn through trial, error, and natural consequences — sharpen the critical thinking, self-management, and community-building skills needed to enter an Acton middle school.

Explorers Studio (Ages 7-12)

Find a calling,
Change the world

The Explorer’s Studio is more like a close-knit neighborhood than a school.

Core skills, group games, collaborative quests, and Socratic debates provide a foundation for learning and tribe building.

Examples, recipes, rubrics, and rewards— and especially the freedom to learn through trial, error, and natural consequences — sharpen the critical thinking, self-management, and community-building skills needed to enter an Acton middle school.

What does learning to do, learning to learn, and learning to be look like every day?
A couple elementary students at Forge Private School in Newberg
A Day in the Life at Forge
The Morning Launch

Every day starts with a gathering for a socratic discussion on an important idea that equips and inspires the learners and hones critical thinking and decision making skills.

Core Skills

A 2 hour block of time for learners to practice learning and entering flow while developing reading habits, math & logic skills, and written communication.


A time to relax, play, and prepare for an afternoon of challenging work.  


Every 3 to 6 weeks learners are invited to embark on a quest for knowledge and experience.  These are fun and deep projects that are usually team based and end with an grand event.  

Physical Development

A couple times a week learners may participate in a coordinated athletic event usually built around an Olympic season where points are accrued through competition of the course of a 6 week session.


A couple times a week the learners can participate in classes put together by teenagers in our community.  Popular classes range from art and dance to programming and 3d modeling.  

Studio Maintenance & Reflection

Janitorial work is purely the learners responsibility.  When the hard work is done hero’s reflect on their journey and the challenges they attempted during the day.